The "It's Worth It" Project team is looking for those willing to share their success stories here on site. The idea behind "It's Worth It" is two-fold:
1. If you've transitioned and were successful in navigating through difficult circumstances - we'd love to share your story!
2. If you've ever been suicidal or near death, but something or someone helped you get back up on your feet to live another day - and now you're alive and well thanks to those who gave you hope, we'd love to share your story!
The bottom line is this: It's Worth It is about giving hope to those who feel they are in a hopeless situation. While the emphasis in the outreach is to those who are trans identified (i.e. transsexual, transgender), everyone goes through hard times and many of us are helped by the support and love of someone who cared. Sharing with others that, at least for you, it WAS worth it, whether choosing to live another day, or choosing to live authentically in the gender you've always known yourself to be, can go a long way in giving the reader or viewer a glimmer of hope in their own life.
So share your story... it's worth it. They're worth it! You're worth it!
If you'd like to contribute, send an email to Lori (AT) ITS-WORTH-IT.ORG
(Obviously, you need to replace the word "AT" with the @ sign!)